This calendar shows grant calls as purple segments starting from the opening date of the grant and finishing at the closing date.


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Grant summary table

Grant Maximum award Opening date Closing date Decision made Co-funder Grant information
PhD studentship (partial funding) £80,000 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Institution which the supervisor belongs to Partial funding for a postgraduate student to carry out a PhD studentship
Master’s degrees by research (MDRs) £42,000 CLOSED

Opens again 1st August 2025

CLOSED February 2025 Funds a postgraduate student to carry out a research master’s project
Research fellowships £70,000 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Funds an early-career veterinary researcher to help them establish independence
Clinical research projects (CRPs) £20,000 CLOSED

Opens again 1st March 2025

CLOSED CLOSED Funds small-scale clinical research projects
Joint-funded clinical research projects £10,000 CLOSED

Opens again 1st March 2025

Veterinary Cardiovascular Society


British Veterinary Neurology Society

Funds small-scale clinical research projects in specialist areas of companion animal science
Student research projects (SRPs) £3,200 OPEN: apply now 31st January, 30th April, 31st August Within 6 weeks from the cut-off date Funds projects for undergraduate vets, vet nurses and biovet students
Joint-funded student research project £2,500 CLOSED British Hen Welfare Trust Funds undergraduate vets and vet nurses to research chicken veterinary health


How we decide what we fund


Every year we receive applications for funding from researchers in universities and veterinary practices across the UK. We only support studies involving naturally occurring diseases where the anticipated results of the study will result in a change in diagnosis or management of small animal disease. Our selection process involves peer review by veterinary clinicians and researchers from around the world who give freely of their time to evaluate the applications. We give special thanks to them here. Their informed assessments are considered by our Grant Awarding Committee, which comprises veterinary academics and practitioners who have direct experience of companion animal diseases, to ensure that the research meets our criteria for funding and helps us achieve our mission. This committee is made up of representatives from UK vet schools, BSAVA affiliates and the general BSAVA membership, as well as one member of the committee who is a non-veterinary scientist. Its recruitment is overseen by the BSAVA volunteer manager, with Chair recruitment being overseen by the BSAVA volunteer development committee.


The assessment process

Stage 1 – The application

Each application form has been designed to provide the information needed to enable our Grant Awarding Committee to consider the research proposal and decide whether it is suitable for funding. Before making an application, you are advised to read the Guide to Applying for a BSAVA PetSavers’ Grant and the terms and conditions applicable to the grant for which you are applying. The application form, guide, and terms and conditions for each grant type can be found on the relevant webpages when the application process is active. If you have any queries please contact us on

Once you have completed the application form and filled in the checklist at the back, it is a good idea to get someone else to read it in order to make sure that it is clear and contains all the required information.

Applications should be emailed to by midnight on the closing date. The application form should be accompanied by the following:

  • A signed copy of the terms and conditions
  • A letter of support from your head of department or practice principle, indicating that they support the application
  • Details of ethical approval from a recognised ethics review panel

Further guidance for this stage of the process can be found here.


Stage 2 – Preliminary review

All applications will be subject to preliminary review to make sure that they meet our funding criteria and ethical and legal requirements. Where this is not clear from the application, you may be contacted to provide further information before the application is considered further.

The preliminary review will also seek to flag up any concerns with the research proposal for further consideration by the committee. For example:-

  • Is the project likely to advance the understanding or management of a disease in small animals?
  • Are the results likely to benefit cats, dogs or other companion animals?
  • Can the work be carried out effectively using the available and requested facilities?
  • Are the investigators competent to carry out the work?
  • Can the work be completed within the specified time?
  • Are the costs realistic?
  • For student projects, what is the standard of student training?


Stage 3 – Peer review

Each application (except those for student research projects) will be sent to at least two external reviewers for comment. Reviewers must have no conflicts of interest with any of the applicants, such as:

  • Being applicants or co-applicants in the current round of BSAVA PetSavers’ grants
  • A close personal friendship
  • Being recent collaborators (within the last 2 years), or
  • Working in the same organisation

Where a large number of applications are received, the Grant Awarding Committee will produce a shortlist by voting on the applications before they are sent out for external review. If you have not been short-listed you will be advised at this stage.


Stage 4 – Committee meeting

The shortlisted applications, preliminary and external reviews will be submitted to a meeting of our Grant Awarding Committee where each application is considered and scored against specific criteria. The highest scoring project(s) are funded subject to sufficient budget being available. Members of the committee are required to reveal potential conflicts of interest with the applications, and to abstain from voting if any are identified. The committee’s funding decision is final and there are no rights of appeal.

Committee meetings are held in the spring and autumn. MDR and PhD applications submitted by 15th October are considered the following spring, CRP applications submitted by 15th May are considered that autumn and Research Fellowship applications submitted by 28th February are considered in May. We aim to make funding decisions on SRP applications within 6 weeks of the cutoff dates of 31st January, 30th April and 31st August.


Application success rates

In the last 15 years, we have received 402 grant applications and have awarded 160 grants. Our overall grant acceptance rate during this time is therefore 45%, although different grant types have varying acceptance rates as detailed on their individual webpages.