BSAVA Congress on Demand – Ophthalmology Bundle
This highly-focused suite of sessions covers key issues within ophthalmology, from ocular emergencies to cataracts. Veterinary surgeon, Jeremy Kirk has watched them all.
“Individual sessions cover a wide variety of clinical presentations, however the bundle as a whole includes ‘nuggets’ such as ‘how dry is a dry eye?’ and ‘how are ophthalmology examinations performed in wriggly or aggressive patients?’
The answers, just in case you’re wondering, are STT <15mm/min in dogs, STT unreliable in cats, but tear quality is more important than quantity, and ‘Jedi powers’!
“In ‘Ocular opacities: what, when, where, why?’ Lorraine Fleming and Richard Everson start with a look at opacities down the visual axis, through the cornea, anterior chamber, lens and then into the vitreous,” explains Jeremy. “Lorraine and Richard are obviously skilled at engaging with referring vets and information is abundant and clearly presented.”
“Richard begins the session ‘These are the pits: non-healing corneal ulcers and how to deal with them’ with a discussion of SCCEDs (spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects) and corneal endothelial degeneration. Lorraine follows with feline indolent ulcers and how the approach to non-healing ulcers is different in cats and dogs,” he says.
“In ‘Ocular emergencies: what the heck am I dealing with?’ Richard and Lorraine outline common ocular emergencies including deep ulceration, corneal foreign bodies, glaucoma, sudden blindness, and the always dramatic proptosis. Again, the presentation was very much aimed at options for the general practitioner- emergency treatment, referral or even enucleation.”
If you’d like to find out more about the ophthalmology bundle, it’s available now in the BSAVA Library.