The VetSet2Go Employability (Stakeholder Perceptions) Survey

31 October 2016

VetSet2Go ( is a project funded by the Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT), and is a collaborative project involving researchers from seven veterinary schools from three countries (Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America). The project aims to define the capabilities most important for employability and success in the veterinary profession, and create assessment tools and resources to build those capabilities.

For this study, the researchers’ aim is to investigate the perceptions of various stakeholder groups regarding the relative importance of those capabilities contributing to veterinary employability and success and satisfaction as a veterinarian. This survey is being sent to a broad range of veterinarians (employees and employers, veterinary nurses, practice managers, academics and policy makers) in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and aims to provide comprehensive feedback regarding the capabilities of a successful, employable veterinarian, from those who are directly involved in the profession. Other studies within the project will investigate the perspective of clients, the process of employing new graduate veterinarians, the transition to practice, and the role of resilience in contributing to success as a veterinarian.

This survey has received outright approval from the Murdoch University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval 2016/154). If you have any reservation or complaint about the ethical conduct of this research, and wish to talk with an independent person, you may contact Murdoch University’s Research Ethics & Integrity on Tel. 08 9360 6677 (+61 8 9360 6677 for overseas studies) or e-mail Alternatively, you may contact Dr Melinda Bell directly on if you have any queries regarding this research.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain anonymous unless you choose to participate in the draw to win an AU$100 gift card (or equivalent for overseas participants), in which case you will be asked to provide a contact email address. No other identifying data will be gathered.

Thank you for participating in this survey; we appreciate your time!

To complete the survey, please go to this link:

The survey will be open until Friday 11th November 2016.