FVE and EPRUMA calls for science and animal welfare concerns to take precedence over politics
9 September 2021
BSAVA has signed an open letter calling on Members of the European Parliament to vote against a tabled Motion for a Resolution, which establishes the criteria for the designation of antimicrobials to be reserved for humans.
The new Veterinary Medicines Regulation allows the reservation of specific antimicrobials for human use only. Contrary to what the European Parliament proposed motion claims, according to the Regulation, these antimicrobials will then be banned completely for use in animals, with no exceptions for individual treatment or between pet and farm animals.
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) Political Coordination Group, alongside EPRUMA partners (animal health industry, feed industry, farmers, livestock producer associations), has set up several actions including petitions, infographics and statements to raise awareness about the importance of supporting the EU Commission delegated act.
FVE wants to underline the need to trust the expertise provided by the EU Institutions (EFSA/ECDC/EMA) that drafted the delegated act based on scientific evidence, on a ‘One Health’ approach and in full consideration of inputs from both human and the veterinary sector.
Sheldon Middleton, BSAVA President commented: “Although we are no longer in the EU, BSAVA has added our support to this campaign given the potential impact on the treatment of small animals. A restriction on the use of certain antibiotics may adversely impact the welfare of the pets we treat with associated compromise in welfare.”
Massive efforts have been made by the animal sector over the last decade which has seen a reduction of sales of veterinary antibiotics of over 34% (2020 ESVAC report) resulting now in lower in use of antibiotics in food-producing animals than in humans as recognised in a recent report from EFSA, EMA and ECDC (third JIACRA report).
EPRUMA looks to the European Parliament’s ENVI committee to reject this motion for a resolution and ensure continued access to the tools and measures deemed necessary by balanced EU scientific expertise, taking into account the protection of public health, animal health and the environment, to protect the health and welfare of all of Europe’s people and animals.