FECAVA Travel Scholarship now open
9 November 2018
It is favourable for modern companion animal veterinary medicine to be seen in global perspective. The FECAVA Travel Scholarship encourages small animal veterinarians to appreciate the differences in veterinary life in other European cultures.
The initiative allows two groups of small animal veterinary surgeons from different parts of Europe, to visit each other for a few days to observe practice life and ideally participate in a joint Continuing Education event. Please note that applications can only be accepted from FECAVA member countries.
The scholarship, totalling €2,000, is made possible through the generous support of LABOKLIN, who partner FECAVA on this project.
Applications can be made by a group of practicing companion veterinarians (minimum of 2 people). Applicants need to identify three regions in Europe they would like to visit. (These need to be within FECAVA member countries).
FECAVA will help to find a suitable exchange partner which will be a group of colleagues in these regions in Europe who are interested in hosting their visitors for a few days and prepared to travel to their guests on a return visit. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate the expressed wish for preferred regions, FECAVA retains the right to offer an alternative region when such an opportunity exists.
Alternatively if a group of practicing companion veterinarians (minimum of 2 people) already have an exchange partner group in another FECAVA member country, they can make a joint application.
The deadline for individual applications is 30th June 2019 and for joint applications is 31st July 2019.
Find out more about how to apply
For inspiration, read about when a group of Scottish vets travelled to Mallorca earlier this year.