FECAVA Congress Vienna
5 May 2016
Vienna will host the 22nd annual Congress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) on 22–25 June, when an impressive roll-call of international speakers will present an exciting and varied state-of-the-art scientific programme.
FECAVA represents more than 25,000 companion animal veterinary Surgeons in 40 European countries, providing a voice for companion animal issues at European level, and works closely with other European veterinary organisations and stakeholders.
Every year, one of the FECAVA member associations hosts the annual congress, and this year it is the turn of Austria’s beautiful capital city. The Vienna Hofburg is the imperial residence of the Habsburgs and is ideally situated in the city centre, making it easy to combine world class continuing education with an exciting social programme.
Please click here to discover more about the FECAVA Congress :
BSAVA members are automatically a member of FECAVA and can benefit from the discounted rate to attend this international event.