EJCAP Winter issue 2016: Annual boosters obsolete?
20 December 2016
For many years, the annual booster was a routine procedure. This is now being challenged. Recent scientific data shows that many annual boosters are obsolete, says Karin Moestl (Austria), who provides an update on the duration of vaccine-induced immunity in the latest issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice.
The issue also contains interactive papers on the on risky drug interactions in small animal practice, epileptic treatment of cats and the impact of pedigree breeding on the behaviour of dogs. Readers can test their knowledge with the interactive quizzes.
Interactive papers for nurses
‘How to drain a chest’ (Daniela Murgia) and ‘how to manage pododermatitis’ (Rosanna Marsella) are presented in the popular podcast series of BSAVA congress lecture recordings. The EJCAP issue also contains part 2 of emergency care for veterinary nurses.
FECAVA news presents the position paper on dog trafficking as well as an illustrated report of the travel scholarship exchange.
Veterinary app and book reviews
Finally, the issue contains the quarterly review of veterinary apps, including apps on anaesthesia of exotic pets, dermatology, ophthalmology, and books with the five-minute consult, neurology and exotic pet practice.
Published four times a year, the winter issue of 2016 is now available online at www.ejcap.org.
Access is open to all veterinary practitioners, students and nurses in Europe and beyond, and is compatible for viewing on tablets. Please visit www.ejcap.org for more details.