EJCAP Autumn issue 2016: Caring for the emergency patient
22 September 2016
Keeping a cool head, performing triage correctly and providing lifesaving care to your patient – the Autumn issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP) is here to back you up. The issue provides interactive papers on emergency and critical care in companion animal practice, ranging from fluid therapy, anaesthesia, pain assessment and management to the monitoring of these critical patients.
The issue also contains papers on the prognosis of linear/non linear gastrointestinal foreign bodies (Melissa Hobday and colleagues) and on gastrointestinal perforation (Thomas Dayer and colleagues).
Interactive papers
Dealing with corneal ulcers (David Maggs) and oesophageal foreign bodies (Alistair Freeman), common emergencies encountered in practice, are presented in the popular “How to…” podcast series of BSAVA Congress lecture recordings. The EJCAP issue also contains its very first paper for veterinary nurses, on triage and monitoring of the emergency patient. Furthermore, a special interactive spread on head trauma, in collaboration with BSAVA’s Companion and Vetstream’s Vetlexicon, is also part of this “ICU”.
FECAVA news includes a report on the stray dog symposium and a slideshow of the 2016 EuroCongress in Vienna – including the FECAVA awards.
Veterinary app and book reviews
Finally, the issue contains the quarterly review of veterinary apps (emergency care, epilepsy and the coma scale) and books (feline welfare, cytology and an atlas of ophthalmology).
Published four times a year, the autumn issue of 2016 is now available online at www.ejcap.org.
Access is open to all veterinary practitioners, students and nurses in Europe and beyond, and is compatible for viewing on tablets. Please visit www.ejcap.org for more details.