Discount for BSAVA members at the ISCAID and IFRRS Symposium
20 June 2016
The 2016 Joint Symposium of the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID) and the International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium (IFRRS) will be held in Bristol from 16th – 19th October 2016.
This year the symposium will include a Clinician Stream aimed at vets in general practice, with lectures featuring bite-sized updates on topical subjects, delivered by internationally recognised specialists in their field.
Speakers include Professors Mike Lappin, David Maggs, Lynelle Johnson, Ed Hall and Barbara Kohn speaking on topics ranging from herpes virus to Leptospirosis.
A special rate for BSAVA members has been negotiated and there are various options available. Members can attend the whole 3 day symposium, including the welcome reception, lectures, lunches and the symposium dinner on the SS Great Britain, for only £296.30. The whole 3 day symposium excluding the symposium dinner costs £256.30. The clinician day including lunch and the symposium dinner costs £165.03 or the clinician day including lunch only is £124.07. You will need your BSAVA membership number handy when registering.
Please click here to read the programme and book tickets plus find handy advice on travel and accommodation.