Call for Applications for the AFSCAN NAVC and BSAVA Scholarships 2020

21 January 2019

The AFSCAN Board calls for applications for two AFSCAN Scholars who will attend the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) Congress (VMX) in February 2020 and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress in April 2020.

Based on generous support from NAVC and BSAVA we are able to offer these scholarships to a new generation of future leaders of the profession in Africa.  AFSCAN is a project of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Foundation.

The NAVC and BSAVA Congresses occur at different times and the eligibility criteria differ slightly for each scholarship.  There is a single application process and the AFSCAN Board will consider applications for each scholarship within that process.

Please note that any individual may apply for ONE of the two scholarships and NOT BOTH of them.

Information on what each scholarship offers, the eligibility criteria and form of application is found below.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 1st April 2019.

Applications must be submitted electronically to with clear indication in the subject title of the message that the e-mail relates to the AFSCAN SCHOLARSHIP.

The successful applicant for the NAVC Scholarship will be notified in May 2019 and the successful applicant for the BSAVA Scholarship will be notified in September 2019.

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