BSAVA Congress is back in Manchester for 2024.
12 October 2023
Early-bird registration is now open for BSAVA Congress 2024, which will return to Manchester Central on 21-23 March 2024.
Open to the whole veterinary profession, Congress ’24 will include over 130 hours of CPD across 32 different modules covering topics such as advanced diabetes, dermatology, nursing clinics, EDI and more. The programme format covers a variety of disciplines and learning styles, from lectures and panel discussions to interactive sessions and free CPD workshops in the practical village.
The exhibition will feature over 120 exhibitors, offering insights into some of the latest industry innovations spanning from pharmaceuticals to cutting-edge equipment and giving you plenty of opportunities to network with industry representatives. BSAVA Congress is a great place to meet others from the small animal veterinary community, spend the breaks with friends in our popular feature areas, or unwind at the drink’s reception or the famous party night, ClubVet.
“Congress is an experience, and if you want to know what it’s like, you have to be there,” explains Andy Green, Chair of the Congress Committee; “Congress is not just a passive event where attendees sit and listen. Our modules are designed to encourage participation by people who are experts in their field and be a place where people can come to challenge and be challenged.”
“‘The best way to make a real difference is to share knowledge.”
“We want people to take what they learn at Congress and share it with their teams,” Andy continues’ “every person in practice can be a leader whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting in your career, Leadership is not a badge it’s an attitude, a mindset, a standard that people hold themselves to.'”
“Moreover,” Andy added, “we know it’s a significant commitment for individuals to give up one to three days, plus travel time, to join us, and we don’t just aim to educate; we want our attendees to enjoy the experience. Our aspiration is not just to meet their expectations but to exceed them. The veterinary profession faces challenges, but we have so much to celebrate, and what better place to come together with many like-minded individuals to remind yourself why you wanted to be in this profession in the first place.”
Early bird registration is open until 31st January, and prices start at just £93 +VAT for BSAVA members for a one-day pass. To find out more and register now, visit