BSAVA committed to environmental sustainability

25 March 2021

The BSAVA has recently formed a new Sustainability Working Group (SWG) of interested BSAVA volunteers and staff members, demonstrating its commitment towards environmental sustainability. The initial purpose of the SWG is to explore the feasibility of BSAVA becoming carbon neutral as an organisation, both at the Association’s headquarters (Woodrow House) and association-wide.

Whilst the formation of the SWG may be a new development, BSAVA has been committed to environmental sustainability for some time. At previous BSAVA Congresses, a wide range of sustainability and community initiatives were introduced including the introduction of re-usable water bottles for delegates to remove the production of single use bottles, bags and uniforms were donated where possible to reduce the carbon footprint and increased use of recyclable materials including lanyards and delegate bags manufactured from 100% recycled plastic (PET). This year, BSAVA are working with Carbon Footprint, a consultancy company that specialises in supporting organisations to become carbon neutral, to offset the Virtual Congress.

Carl Gorman, Honorary Secretary for the BSAVA and Chair of the SWG said: “I am thrilled to announce that we have chosen two carbon offsetting projects for BSAVA’s Virtual Congress; UK tree planting and community projects.

“Tree planting is a great way to help sequester carbon emissions, provide wildlife habitats and promote biodiversity. Furthermore, both projects help to support the local communities; the community projects include borehole rehabilitation in Uganda, provision of improved cooking stoves in India and a fuel-switching and efficiency project in China.”

Ian Ramsey, President of the BSAVA concluded: “The carbon offsetting projects chosen by the SWG will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a result of BSAVA’s Virtual Congress 2021.

“Longer-term, the work of the SWG will ensure that the BSAVA continue to take steps to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions as much as possible, in addition to assisting small animal practices to move towards sustainable ways of working.”

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