BSAVA announce the Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st May
4 May 2020
The BSAVA have announced that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st May. Following the cancellation of Congress, where the AGM is usually held, the meeting has been rescheduled and the format adapted to accommodate the current restrictions of movement.
Physical attendance at the AGM will be restricted to 2 Board Directors to comply with the governments ‘Stay at Home Measures’, remote access will be provided for members should they wish to observe the proceedings.
Voting however will be via the Proxy Form as the association articles do not allow for electronic voting. This is something the Trustees plan to rectify at the next opportunity to allow full member participation should it be required in the future.
Due to the nature of this year’s AGM the BSAVA Board have agreed the agenda should be the minimum requirements to meet the legal obligations of the Association. No other matters will be brought for members decision as we are unable to ensure full and open debate. All eligible voting members have been sent the necessary paperwork and proxy voting form by email, the deadline to return these is Monday 18th May.