Bristol students benefit at BSAVA event
13 February 2017
Following on from a successful launch event in 2016, the 2nd annual BSAVA Student Conference was held at Langford on 11-12 February, when 110 Bristol vet students were treated to the kind of BSAVA CPD they can expect to support them throughout their future career.
Saturday morning began with talks on how BSAVA supports students & new graduates, followed by talks on managing food allergies, emergency trauma cases, and endocrine emergencies. On Saturday afternoon, students had the opportunity to attend various small group practicals & seminars including rabbit neutering & dentistry, CPR & clinical skills, suturing & surgical skills, abdominal ultrasonography, clinical pathology cases, fracture repair, endoscopy, CVs & interview skills, approach to the pruritic dog, cardiorespiratory cases, imaging cases – and a helpfully reassuring session entitled “Your first night on call.”
Saturday night involved a trip to a local pub for curry, a pub quiz and a raffle in aid of PetSavers which raised over £160. Special mention is owed to the best pub quiz team name, “50 Shades of BSAVA”.
Sunday lectures included exotics cases, triage & first aid of wildlife casualties, ophthalmic emergencies, murmurs & how to deal with them, unwanted souvenirs for travelling pets, and neurology cases.
The conference was once again a great success, and BSAVA was delighted to be able to support the impressive student organising team. Comments from delegates included: “Good breadth of lecture topics, thought conference was well organised and ran smoothly!” “Best student conference I have attended!” “Really brilliant! I really enjoyed it and think the committee did an excellent job, can’t wait for next year!” “Absolutely loved it, the most useful conference I’ve been to so far”
BSAVA Bristol Student Rep Ellie Morris said “A huge thank you is owed to all of the speakers who delivered really fantastic lectures and practicals, and to the organising committee who put in a massive amount of work behind the scenes.” The committee, pictured above (left to right), shows Amy Hoole, Felicity Whitehouse, Narumi Ito, Ellie Morris, Charlotte Matthews, Alex Bradnick, Jenni Le Pard and Chloë Smith.
BSAVA Student Reps from Edinburgh, RVC & Liverpool travelled to see how the event might benefit their own universities and it is likely they will now use this as a template for their own conferences; as one the RVC reps commented: “You inspired us so much to run our own one!”
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