Application date closing soon: Become the future Junior Vice President of BSAVA
6 December 2018
Whilst the Association has a core of permanent staff based at its Headquarters in Gloucester, it could not function without its volunteer community. Now there is a new opportunity to become the new Junior Vice President.
The Junior Vice President role will commence in April 2020, when the successful candidate will join the Board of Trustees. However, prior to this, there will be opportunities to attend Board meetings and undergo training to ensure the candidate has all the required skills and knowledge to undertake the role. The successful post-holder will be required to make a time commitment of four years in total, by progressing from the initial role of Junior Vice President to Vice President, then onto President and lastly becoming Senior Vice President.
Time commitment
As the Junior Vice President role also involves being on the Board of Trustees, the ability to commit to a busy team is essential. The role includes attending regular face-to-face meetings, telephone conference calls and maintaining email communication between meetings, plus the opportunity to represent the Association at events, both in the UK and overseas. Woodrow House staff will provide administrative support when required.
Rewards take many forms at BSAVA, ranging from free attendance at CPD to complimentary registration for BSAVA Congress, and of course, training which may prove useful in your ‘day’ job. Volunteering for the BSAVA opens a whole new world of opportunities; all revolved around learning new skills and meeting new people. To gain an insight into why BSAVA volunteers love being involved in the organisation, please visit our volunteering section to watch some short videos.
Application process
Applicants must be current members of the Association or if a lapsed member, be prepared to re-join the Association.
To find out more about this opportunity and to apply, please log in and select ‘current volunteering opportunities’ on the volunteering section of the website. Existing volunteers can also log in to find the information on the volunteer-only page of the website in the ‘useful downloads’ section.
The application process closes on 17th December 2018.