Residuary bequest

You may wish to leave a specific sum of money or personal possessions to a named person or a number of people.

The rest of your assets, once the above wishes are fulfilled, are known as your residual estate. You may wish to leave your whole residual estate or a fraction of your residual estate to charity. For example, you may decide to leave 10% for the general purposes of BSAVA PetSavers. This type of gift is the most beneficial to funding research because it’s a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount. This means it should retain its value and won’t be affected by inflation.

Pecuniary bequest

You may wish to leave a fixed sum of money to charity. This is known as a pecuniary bequest, otherwise known as a ‘cash gift’.

Specific bequest

You may wish to leave a specific gift to BSAVA PetSavers that we can use to generate funds. This could include shares, property, or an item of value.

On rare occasions we may be unable to accept a specific gift, so if this is something you are considering doing, please do call or email us to discuss further.


If you already have a Will but would like to make a change such as increasing a cash legacy or adding BSAVA PetSavers as a new beneficiary, you can prepare a codicil. A codicil is a legal document that modifies, revokes, or adds to an existing Will, allowing you to make changes without having to rewrite your original Will document. A codicil has to be signed and witnessed in the same way as an original Will, but doesn’t require the same people to witness. The document can be prepared by a legal professional or you can complete the form provided here.

Please note that BSAVA PetSavers was formerly known as the Clinical Studies Trust Fund [CSTF]. If you have already named CSTF as a beneficiary in your Will, you may wish to consider updating our name and details, if and when you make a codicil.

The details you need to include in your Will

Our contact details: BSAVA PetSavers, Woodrow House, 1 Telford Way, Waterwells Business Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AB
Our charity number: 1024811