JustGiving is the leading fundraising platform and is responsible for helping to raise thousands of pounds for BSAVA PetSavers so far.
Once your place has been authorised on an event, you can set up your JustGiving page in a matter of minutes. Here are some handy tips:
- Pictures speak a thousands words. According to JustGiving, fundraisers with a photo raise 14% more than those without. Include either a good quality photograph of you with your pet or one related to your event; for example you in your running kit, on your bike or eating cake if it’s a cake sale! A landscape format photograph works best as opposed to a portrait one.
- Link your page to the BSAVA PetSavers JustGiving page and also include a link to our website.
- Include a brief summary of your challenge to appear underneath your photo. All your writing needs to be in simple language in short and punchy sentences and it’s a good idea to read it out loud to avoid any errors.
- Not everyone you approach will know who we are so it’s handy to let them know in the ‘Story’ section underneath. In this area, you can give a more detailed description of the challenge, including details of when and where it’s taking place, if there will be spectators, how they can buy tickets, or whether they can attend for free to cheer you on.
- Appeal to your audience’s emotional side. If you are raising money for us because of a personal reason to do with your profession or pet, then let the reader know in the ‘Story’ section.
- Include a fundraising target. JustGiving claim that pages with a target raise 46% more than those without. Remember to be realistic with your target and aim for the minimum you’d like to raise.
- Promote your page on your personal social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you are doing a challenge as a practice team, then why not feature your page on your practice social media accounts and also on any email newsletters you send out? It’s easy to share your page on social media and you can even add a ‘sponsor me’ badge to your email or website. Within your account you can also send your page to your email contacts.
- Take the time to personally thank each and every one of your sponsors with a personal public message. This will make them feel engaged and that they have made a difference before you have even completed your challenge.
- Keep everyone informed on how your training is going and include updates on the scope of the challenge. Always be upbeat and positive!
- After the event, post your results and any photos and do one last generic ‘thank you’ message and remind your supporters of why they have donated.
Social media is a great way of raising your fundraising profile, and encouraging your friends to share posts and tweets will help you spread the word. Please also tag us in your posts (on Twitter @PetSavers_UK, on Facebook @PetSaversUK and on LinkedIn) so we can share your message.