If you have the will, we have the way

Whether large or small, your legacy gift will help ensure that advances in veterinary medicine continue long into the future.


Residuary bequest

You may wish to leave a specific sum of money or personal possessions to a named person or a number of people. The rest of your assets, once these wishes have been fulfilled, are known as your residual estate. You could leave some or all of your residual estate to BSAVA PetSavers.


You may wish to leave us a fixed sum of money, which is known as a pecuniary bequest.


You may wish to leave a specific gift to us, which could include shares, property or an item of value. For example, you may wish to leave your house to BSAVA PetSavers.


If you have already made a will it is easy to add a codicil (a document that adds to or alters a will) leaving a gift to us. Your solicitor can draw this up for you. It is signed in the same manner as a will, and placed with this document.